Sunday, July 25, 2010

Meet Mrs. Tenbush

Welcome! I hope this will be a fun and easy way for you to get to know a little bit about me. Obviously, I teach 2nd grade. This will be my fourth year in second grade, and I LOVE IT! I really enjoy seeing my students grow and learn throughout the year. It's fun to see the before and after "picture" of each one! Before I was in second grade, I taught kindergarten for six years, so this will be my tenth year to teach. Wow!

My family is super important to me and takes up most of my life right now (of course I wouldn't have it any other way!). My husband Matt and I were married in 2004. He owns his own screen printing business and is a really talented graphic designer. I love to see his creations! We have two precious boys. Our first is Jack, who was born in 2007. He is a bundle of energy who loves to ride his bike, play outside with his friends, read books, and love on his baby brother. That's our second, Charlie. He was born just this summer in June. We are so blessed to have them both in our lives.

I grew up in Amarillo, and I lived there until I went to college. It's not a beautiful place, but it's my home, and I love it. We have The Big Texan, The Cadillac Ranch, Palo Duro Canyon--what more could you ask for? I went to a small, private Christian university called Harding University in Searcy, AR. It was a great experience and I met some of my dearest friends there.

I really don't have much spare time these days, but when I do, I love to watch movies with my husband, play games, read good books, bake, go for walks and just rest! I'm really looking forward to another year of second grade at Blackland Prairie. Go Wildcats!

Please comment and tell me a little bit about you, and check back each week for more fun!